Friday, July 26, 2013

How To Make A Simple Chocolate Candy Bouquet

A child's birthday party can sometimes be difficult to organize. Due to the age barrier, parents often cannot meet the expectations of their children. It is not just about the delicious food or fancy decorations for their party, it also about having something that they like most that is chocolates and candies.

Children would go crazy over chocolates and candies so the ideal gift to have on a child's birthday party is to have some chocolate candy bouquet on the table. You can get them ready-made from any gift company but the only disadvantage is that it comes with a heavy price tag and having only one on the table is certainly insufficient for the child's birthday party.

Chocolate candy bouquet is easy to make from home compared to other edible arrangements. At the cost of a ready-made set from a gift company, you can actually create two or maybe even three sets from home. That's huge savings off your pocket.

You can get guide books on how to make chocolate candy bouquets from home or you can follow the recipe below to create a simple one that works for your child's birthday party. In fact it works for any occasion that you may have in mind. The items that are required for this chocolate candy bouquet would be as follows:

  • A stylish glass
  • Bamboo skewers
  • Hershey's chocolate kisses
  • One large lollipop of your preference
  • Small lollipops of your preference
  • Mini bars of your preference
  • Narrow ribbon
  • Hot glue

Step 1. Fill the stylish glass to the brim with the Hershey's chocolate kisses.
Step 2. Take a few bamboo skewers and glue them to the back of the mini candy bars then allow to dry.
Step 3. Take a few small lollipops and tie the narrow ribbon at the base of the lollipop(where the stick and the pop meets). Use a pair of scissors to curl the ends of the ribbons on both sides.
Step 4. Now take the small lollipops that you've prepared and fully insert around the rim of the stylish glass. Let half of the pop rest onto the rim of the glass and one end of the curled ribbon dangle outside the glass.

Step 5. Take the large lollipop and fully insert in the centre of the stylish glass.
Step 6. Take the mini bars that is glued to the bamboo skewers and fully insert around the large lollipop. You can use additional mini bars if there is still space in between. In this case you can create two layers of mini bars but have them arranged in alternate positions.

At this point, you might want to tweak the chocolate candy bouquet to make it look like a floral arrangement. You can also choose to add embellishments to your glass if it looks plain but do not add too much as it would make the chocolate candy bouquet look messy.

There you have it, you have just completed a chocolate candy bouquet for the party. The beauty of making an edible arrangement from home is that you can create multiple chocolate candy bouquets simply by buying a set of the required items(except for the stylish glass) which is a huge savings to getting one from a gift company.

Use the time making the chocolate candy bouquet to foster bonding with your children and have fun. If the edible arrangement doesn't turn out well, most importantly it brings the family closer and your child had fun even before the party has begun.

Mohamed Hafiz is an experienced events and wedding planner. To view some Edible Arrangement Guides Review or to get more Chocolate Candy Bouquet Ideas, visit How To Make Edible Arrangements. Note: This article may be reprinted on blog or website as long as the credits remain intact and hyperlinks are active. Article Source: Article Source:

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